A Demonstration of
MultiLogo for Windows


John L. Forman
Tecso Informatica Ltda.
Rua da Glória 190/1002
20241-180 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
tel: 55-21-242-5580
fax: 55-21-231-0023


MultiLogo is an integrated educational software environment with the following tools: a text editor, a graphics editor, an icon editor, a database, a spreadsheet and a programming language. The programming language is based on LOGO, maintaining its simplicity and offering a list of new features that enhance the power and sophistication of the environment.


Educational Software, Integrated Environment, Logo

1 About MultiLogo

MultiLogo is an educational software with the following integrated tools: a text editor, a graphics editor, an icon editor (sprites), a database, a spreadsheet, and a programming language. The programming language is based on LOGO, maintaining its simplicity and offering a list of new features that enhance the power and sophistication of the environment.

With MultiLogo students starting from 6 years old (using the software demands reading and writing skills) can start interacting with computers and it’s most used tools. The idea is to give an opportunity for the user to learn how to use a computer with simple tools that provide the means to accomplish simple tasks. For instance, the Text Editor allows the user to type a text, cut and paste blocks of text, search and substitute words, and even edit many texts simultaneously. On the other hand, sophisticated options are not available, as we don’t want the user to be overwhelmed by the complexities of professional text editors.

The LOGO language built in MultiLogo allows the teacher to stimulate students to develop logical reasoning, problem solving strategies and math skills. It also can be used to teach the basics of computer programming as a MultiLogo program is similar to C or Pascal programs, except for the fact that it is less complicated. The programming language is available in all tools, allowing the user to issue commands not only in the drawing editor (commanding the turtle in the traditional way), but also to issue commands in the other tools (commanding the cursor as if it were the turtle).

2 New Features

Summing it up, we can say that MultiLogo allows the student to reuse the knowledge he/she gathers while using the software. In this way, the transfer of knowledge is facilitated when the user starts working with other software, since many of the features available in professional software will have been seen in MultiLogo.

A demonstration version of MultiLogo is available in Portuguese and in English.