Ivan Kalas with Andrej Blaho
Department of Informatics Education
Comenius University,
842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
tel/fax: + 421 7 724 826,


Data structures often play an only second-rate role in Logo literature and practice. Although there are some excellent Logo books devoted completely to data structures, these are not considered to be books for everyone – they are more academically-oriented advanced courses. Materials for students and/or beginners often push this topic into a final chapter with no obvious connection to turtle geometry.

We believe that Logo data structures can play natural component in mid-level Logo activities and try to illustrate that gap between them and turtle geometry does not need to exist. Instead, in this apparent gap there are dozens of excellent pure Logo activities for students-developers.


data structures, Logo, procedural and declarative representations

1 Introduction

Since the beginning of the development of Comenius Logo (SuperLogo, MegaLogo, MultiLogo in other countries) and especially when giving courses and seminars at our university to future teachers we have had the feeling that data structures in Logo do not receive enough attention. In many Logo books they often play an only second-rate role. Materials for students and/or beginners often push this topic into a final chapter with no obvious connection to turtle geometry. We believe that Logo data structures should play natural component in most non-trivial Logo activities. The gap between data structures and turtle geometry does not need to exist at all. Instead, in this apparent gap there are dozens of excellent pure Logo activities for students-developers.

Our interest in data structures and their relationship to procedural structures (programs) has roots in our Lisp background and has been considerably shaped by [2]2 Neither the authors of that exceptional book nor us think that deep academically-oriented approach is necessary for engaging atomic data and more compound data structures into our concern. Both Lisp (Scheme) and Logo people consider their tool a powerful medium for exploring and expressing ideas. Abelson and Sussman in [2]name three mechanisms for forming and exploring complex ideas:

In the context of Logo data3 these three mechanisms are represented by atomic data structures, the mechanism to build compound data out of simpler ones (list operation supplemented by sentence, fput etc.) and the mechanism to give names to compound data (make command supplemented by let, name and the mechanism of procedures’ inputs). Following two lines illustrate all three of them (to be studied more deeply later):

? make " melody (list " L8 " O2 " d " c " 2c.)
? play :melody

Fortunately, modern versions of Logo make it possible to take data approach built on turtle geometry and thus profit from well-developed Logo tradition. We are getting much in reward for this decision:

To cope with data structures is exciting experience which will sooner or later make us understand that in Logo there is hardly any difference between computer program and data.

2 Atomic data are gifts. Compound data are agreements

Comenius Logo atomic data are words and images. Words are sequences of characters and images are sequences of frames (we characterised them in detail in [4]) and Logo provides us with tools to reach these elements. However, both words and images represent elementary entities of the language and logically they are indivisible (any part of a word, i.e. zero, one or more characters is still a word. Any part of an image, i.e. zero, one or more frames is still an image). Atomic data objects serve as building material for more compound data because they are by themselves not sufficient for many of the problems we want to cope with. Being the elementary concepts of the language, atomic data are gifts presented by Logo. Another gift of the language is a mechanism for building data abstractions, that is combined data objects representing compound data.

An image used as the default turtle shape in SuperLogo

Compound data – called data abstractions – elevate the conceptual level at which we can develop our projects: we will be talking about and working with points, vectors, texts, melodies, rectangles etc. These will be less compound data objects glued together to form single conceptual units. The gluing mechanism of Logo is enclosing into a list. This approach might be unusual to some Logo practitioners: we don’t consider words, images and lists the Logo data structures. Rather, we consider words and images the Logo data structures and list a mechanism for building more complex data structures atop of simpler ones. From the data structures perspective we consider list to be a verb rather than a noun: we will list things together. Each compound data structure will have certain meaning to us and to some primitive or user-defined procedures – it will be an agreement between us and some procedures.

In the following chapter we will present a sequence of data structures of growing conceptual complexity. We will outline several Logo projects to be further extended by students and teachers in many possible directions. Many other (easy or advanced) data structures will not be mentioned here – we hope that the reader will soon get our message: the mechanism of data abstraction makes this "sequence" potentially infinite.

3 Short tour of Logo compound data structures

Our data structures tour will not show any new concepts to experienced Logo practitioners. Its goal is to illustrate an alternative viewpoint on data and traditional topics. We want to make a sample tour for a group of tourist guides to attract their attention to places which may latter be of interest for future tourists in their groups. Our vehicle will be the mechanism for building data abstractions and treating new compound objects directly as objects, not as a compositions of their parts.

3.1 Points

They will prevent us from forgetting that turtle geometry is not the only possible representation of geometric phenomena in Logo. A point is created by gluing together (listing together) two atomic data objects, the x and y co-ordinates of the corresponding point in the graphics screen. It is very important to realise that a point is more than two numbers, a point is one compound object, not two separate numbers, thus we can give it a name:

? make " P1 pos

We will treat it as one piece of complex data. There are several primitive procedures that accept this agreement. Except the pos operation which outputs a point, there are other procedures (primitive or user-defined) that expect points as their inputs:

? setpos :P1

Although there are Logo tools to obtain two parts of a point or to construct a point out of x and y co-ordinates, procedures like setx and sety do not understand the abstract notion of points, they are not a partner in this agreement.

3.2 Time

Let us study another compound data object, an output of the time primitive operation:

? sh time
[21 35 2 49]

It is a composition of four numbers representing hours, minutes, seconds and hundredths of a second. Obviously, not all lists of four numbers are times. For example, [25 -7 72 5] would not be accepted by any time processing procedure. Similar to points, we can name a time and pass it to a procedure:

? make " T1 time
? sh :T1
[21 37 10 63]
? sh time.plus :T1 [0 30 0 0] ; What time will be half an hour later?
[22 7 10 63]

It is not trivial to define correctly time algebra, i.e. operations like time.plus or time.difference. Usually, such definitions have to go inside the compound data objects. However, it is not important from outside. From outside, these procedures are just getting and/or producing time objects.

An alternative way how to represent time – or even more, the flow of time – is traditional clock with three (or four!) hands. Let us develop a simplified command to visualise the flow of time by rotating the seconds hand:

to show.time
setpc 0 setpw 20 pd fd 0 ; Draw a dot in the middle.
px ; Set penreverse mode.
setpc bg ; Make pen colour equal to the background.
seth 6 * item 3 time
setpw 2
show.seconds time

to show.seconds :now
if heading <> 6 * item 3 :now ~
[draw.seconds.hand ~
rt 6 ~
show.seconds time

to draw.seconds.hand
fd 60 pu bk 80 px fd 20

Several further developments are possible here:

the clock should control three independent hands (or even the fourth one for visualising the hundredths of a second – this experiment is worth trying),

3.3 Melody – a list of unknown length

Points are lists of two numbers, times are lists of four numbers. Other data object may, however, contain unknown (variable) number of items. An example of such object is a melody:

? make " Yesterday ~
[I21 T80 L8 O2 d c 2c. P e f# g# a b O3 c O2 b. 16a 2a. P ~
a a g f e d L4 f 8e e. d c 8e 8d d. O1 8a O2 c 8e 8e 2e]
? play :Yesterday

This list of words specifies the instrument to be used to perform the melody, its tempo, the default notes’ length, octave specification, pauses and, obviously, the notes themselves. Most important about melodies is that the play command understands them and can perform them. Moreover, melodies can be constructed, processed or modified by Logo procedures:

? play (se :Yesterday [I40 T70] bf bf :Yesterday)

And yet another key point: due to its unknown length, to process a melody in a certain way may require a recursive approach. The reason is that melody inherently is a recursive data structure:

  1. the empty list [] is a melody,
  2. if :A is an acceptable word (not to be specified here) and :M is a melody, then fput :A :M is a melody.

Recursion is a usual control structure to cope with lists of things. If we are to replay the same melody on different instruments (specified by a list of instruments like [I73 I20 I32 I4 I45]) we may do it in the following way:

to replay :melody :instruments
if empty? :instruments [stop] ; We suppose that melody contains no
play fput first :instruments ~; instrument specification itself.
replay :melody bf :instruments

3.4 Text

Let us agree that:


Texts are exciting data objects because turtles can type them in any specified font, colour (identical with the turtle’s actual pen colour), heading, position, style and size in the graphics screen. The setttext (set turtle text) primitive command is equipped with a chooser to specify directly all technical settings (without knowing the fonts names, styles, sizes etc.). The ttext command takes a text and makes each active turtle print it at its actual position and heading:


? repeat 5 ~
[maketurtle repcount ~
se [200 150] - random [400 300] ~
random 360]
? tell [1 2 3 4 5]
? each [setpc random 15]
? settt [Arabia] [22 700 0]
? ttext [Let us Logo!]

When supported by the textsize operation, the text typing commands offer dozens of complex Logo activities, see the figure bellow. Many of them may be used to illustrate essential concepts of text processing, informatics and DTP. They give us the chance to make many unintended mistakes and discoveries with words rotations, colours, mirrors, margins, columns, texts aligned to curves etc. And more: as far as texts are composed of words and words are composed of characters (which are words as well), a lot of serious thinking will be done by students before they manage to align a text on the circle from outside, from inside etc. – a lot of serious work within amusing topic.


3.5 List of angles

If we use the list mechanism to glue together several angles (without fixing their number), several bizarre Logo procedures may be developed to handle and visualise such data objects. In [5] G. Futchek describes an excellent method for generating random mazes based on an input list of angles. A turtle (with its pen down) will pick at random one of the angles and turn that much right. Then it will move by fd 10 – unless the turtle has already visited that point. If this is the case, the turtle will pick another angle and try again, until all possible choices (angles) were applied from all reachable points within an area specified by a user-defined outside.area? predicate. To implement this strategy, the shuffle Logo primitive operation is extensively used (although Futchek in [5] presents several clever user-specified shuffling techniques – worth trying!):

to maze :angles
maze1 shuffle :angles

to maze1 :options
if empty? :options [stop]
rt first :options
pu fd 10 ; Go and test if already visited.
test or ( dotcolor = pc ) ~
outside.area? pos
bk 10
iff [pd fd 10 maze1 shuffle :angles bk 10]
lt first :options
maze1 bf :options

Two points here are of our main concern now:

3.6 List of Logo instructions

Certain lists of words (or even lists of lists and words) have very special structure – they resemble Logo instructions, for example [fd 50 rt 45] or [if :in? [fd 50] [bk 50]]. There is a procedure which understands such lists and is able to run them as if they were true pieces of Logo programs:

? make " P1 [fd 100]
? run :P1
? :P1
Message: I don’t know what to do with [fd 100]
? repeat 4 [run :P1 rt 90]

The latest line is extraordinary! It combines usual command with running a value of P1! It seems like there is no difference between instructions and lists of instructions when run (evaluated) by run. In fact, for Logo an instruction in the command line is internally represented by a list containing that instruction or instructions. Logo itself is represented by the run command, it internally runs instructions using the run command. It is essential to let our students realise that we have already encountered lists of instructions many times:

? repeat 5 [fd 150 rt 144]
? if :N > 10 [rt 75] [rt 45]
? make " i1 [rt 75]
? make " i2 [rt 45]
? if :N > 10 :i1 :I2 ; Are the following 3 lines identical?
? if :N > 10 [run :i1] [run :i2]
? if :N > 10 [run [rt 75]] [run [rt 45]]

The second input to repeat structure is a list of instructions, the second and the third (optional) inputs to the if conditional statement are such lists. Therefore we can easily define the following control structure:

to forever :what
run :what
forever :what
? forever [fd 40 - random 80 rt random 5]

However, this is something very exceptional, it is a revolution in our traditional understanding of programs and data! In fact, some data objects are programs. Later we will see that each piece of program is a piece of data. There is no difference between them and we will build on this discovery several times later on.

3.7 Polygon list

If we type in repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90], the turtle (in fact, all active turtles) will draw a square. We already know that the list [repeat 4 [fd 100 rt 90]] means the same. However, while the first instruction is considered a procedural representation of a square, the second one is its declarative analogy. Another declarative representation of the same square would be a list [100 90 100 90 100 90 100 90] if only we acquire an agreement that the first item of the list means go forward 100, the second item means turn right 90 degrees, the third item go forward 100 etc. We can go even further (or deeper) and accept the repetition factors in such lists: [30 60 5 [50 10] 20 90] would mean go fd 30, turn rt 60, repeat 5 times (in the same way) the list [50 10], then go fd 20 and turn rt 90. Obviously, inside the inner list another list may occur ... etc. Let us call such structures polygon lists:

We can study several properties of a polygon list (its total length etc.) and we can define a command to correctly interpret it in a corresponding turtle geometry way:

to do.it :l
if empty? :l [stop]
test number? item 2 :l ; Which alternative?
ift [fd first :l rt item 2 :l]
iff [repeat first :l [do.it item 2 :l]] ; Repetition factor ...
do.it bf bf :l ; Go on with the rest

These polygons are represented by the followingpolygon lists:

[10 [2 [9 [10 10] 0 90] 0 36]] and
[3 [20 90 160 -90 20 -90 160 90] ~
20 90 160 -90 20 -90 ~
3 [20 -90 160 90 20 90 160 -90] ~
20 -90 160 90 20 90]

Fortunately, there are also two primitive commands that understand polygon lists and can interpret them very fast: polygon and polygonline (the first one also fills the polygon in actual filling colour). Several advanced data processing operations can be defined (e.g. transforming a turtle geometry command into a corresponding polygon list). The most important here for us is that polygon lists contain lists which contain lists etc. They are recursive structures par excellence.

3.8 List of turtles

In any version of Logo with multiple turtles we are getting new and interesting data structure: the turtles themselves. The reason is that each turtle represents several pieces of data (not always atomic) in itself: through its name, its home and actual positions, basic and current headings, pen state, filling colour and active shape colour, its shape, actual frame and animation mode, its actual font etc. In fact, turtles are rather compound data structures by themselves. When combined with other data structures and techniques, multiple turtles (practically unlimited in their number) provide Logo users with exceptional palette of possibilities. Let us examine some of them.

3.8.1 List of turtles to be created

Let such structure be a list of the form [[name [x y] h] [name [x y] h]...] where each sublist represents a turtle to be created by the maketurtle command. First item of the sublist specifies its name, the second one specifies its home position and the last one its basic heading. To illustrate different data processing approaches, we show three equivalent definitions of a command to interpret the list:

to create.them :list
if empty? :list [ask all [st] stop]
let "it first :list
maketurtle first :it se item 2 :it item 3 :it
create.them bf :list
to create.them :list
map [[it][maketurtle first :it se item 2 :it item 3 :it]] :list
ask all [st]
to create.them :list
local "it
foreach "it :list [maketurtle first :it se item 2 :it item 3 :it]
ask all [st]

3.8.2 List of names to be asked to do ...

Any subset of all turtles may be given a name. Later we can use the name (of the list of turtles’ names) to ask them to run a list of instructions:

? make " girls [jenny marta sueli]
? make " to.do [repeat 10 [fd 10 rt 110 fd 5 lt 110]]
? ask :girls :to.do

We could have done the same by saying ask [jenny marta sueli] [repeat ... ].

3.8.3 Images and shapes to visualise data

As far as any turtle may take any image as its shape , we can develop very exceptional modifications of well known recursive curves of level N. Let us consider the famous Hilbert curve and implement it in the following way: turtle 0 – with its pen up – will move forward according to the usual Hilbert recursive strategy. However, instead of drawing a line, it will create several turtles: one per each elementary line segment Therefore, the final composition will look like usual Hilbert curve, but will contain 4*:N+3 turtles instead of single piece of line. All turtles will have the same shape of 24 frames – a line segment rotated around a point into 24 different directions, see above. Thus, we built the curve out of the turtles’ bodies themselves! The turtles now represent the Hilbert curve by themselves (by their shape, positions and headings). This is an exciting example of turtles as data structures!


to hilbert :l
erturtle all cs gs
maketurtle 0 [50 -100 0]
tell 0
let "c 1
hilbert1 :l 1
erturtle 0
tell all

to my.fd :a
maketurtle :c se pos heading
ask :c [setshape :hilbert st pu]
make "c :c + 1
fd :a

to hilbert1 :l :p
if :l < 0 [stop]
lt :p * 90
hilbert1 :l - 1 ( - :p )
my.fd 20
rt :p * 90
hilbert1 :l - 1 :p
my.fd 20
hilbert1 :l - 1 :p
rt :p * 90
my.fd 20
hilbert1 :l - 1 ( - :p )
lt :p * 90

Turtles may represent serious bulks of data by their shapes – data which cannot be easily represented by any other (traditional) means. For example, think about a map of a continent where each state is visualised by a turtle! To decide to which country a point belongs (clicked in the graphics screen by mouse) becomes a trivial task.

This is famous Hilbert curve of the level 3 composed of 63 turtles. As far as all of them are active,we can let them turn by rt 30 (the second figure), thenonce more rt 30 (the third figure), and once more rt 30 (the last figure).The figure used at the first page of this paper is a result of saying back 10to all Hilbert turtles when they are in their home positions and basic headings.

3.8.4 Levels of turtles

One of the attributes of multiple turtles is their age, i.e. the order in which we created them. The age of turtles also defines the order of turtles' shapes when they overlap on the screen while moving: the younger the turtle is, the fewer turtles can cover it with their shapes. The youngest turtle is always on the top of all others. Let us develop a small project by creating a row of 10 turtles-houses named house1, house2, ... with small gaps in between. There will be another turtle – the animation turtle Tomash riding a bike, thus moving forward at the same line with the houses. Let Tomash be the youngest of all turtles, therefore he will overlap all houses while moving. However, we can redefine the age of already existing turtles by the reorder command and thus develop the following animation effect: if we click a house, we will let it become younger than Tomash – he will now move behind it. If we click the same house once more, the order will change once more and Tomash will move in front of it. To implement this behaviour we will maintain two levels of houses: the older ones than Thomas and the younger ones. Whenever we click a house, it will be moved from olders to youngers or the other way round:


to in.row
erturtle all cs gs
repeat 10 [maketurtle word "house repc [-150 0] + repc * [45 0] ~
ask word "house repc [setshape pick :houses st]]
let " olders all
let " youngers []
maketurtle "Tomash [-220 0 90]
ask "Tomash [setshape :bicycle ~
setframemode "true ~
setframe 1 ~
pu st]

to move
if key? ~
[case readkey ~
[27 [stop] ~
0 [if member? touched se :olders :youngers ~
[change.age touched]]]]
ask "Tomash [setframe frame + 2 fd 2]
wait 50

to change.age :it
if member? :it :olders ~
[make "olders butmember :it :olders ~
make "youngers fput :it :youngers] ~
[make "olders fput :it :olders ~
make "youngers butmember :it :youngers]
reorder ( se :olders "Tomash :youngers )



It would be easy to extend the in.row project so that whenever we click Tomash instead of a house, he will do the about turn.

3.8.5 Screen animation agenda

Tomash created above is an animation turtle. As an alternative to basic turtles, animation turtles allow us to change the frames of their shapes at any time with the setframe command. However, when we obtain or create nice multiple-frame images depicting complex movements of a character in all possible directions, we have to somehow control the turtle’s trajectory around the screen, i.e. we have to represent a kind of animation agenda to specify the exact headings of the movement, basic steps, shapes and frames of the turtle etc. Such agenda may be a list of the form:

[[heading step distance wait.time shape] ... ] for example:
[[135 2 120 50 :tomash.south.east] ... ]

and should be interpreted by a user-defined agenda-agent. Sometimes we have to involve similar planning for several animation turtles moving in parallel (taking into account exact timing, mutual interactions etc.). More complex agenda is needed then.

3.9 Sequence of keys

Let us implement a simple command which reads the keyboard and makes the turtle move North 10 steps (if the n key was pressed), move East 10 steps (if the e key was pressed) etc. In a way, the move command works with sequences of keys, a kind of special codes or representation of certain turtle drawings. Therefore, it is straightforward to modify the command so that it understands and interprets a given list of letters (as if keys pressed on the keyboard):

to move
case readchar ~
[n [seth 0 fd 10] ~
e [seth 90 fd 10] ~
s [seth 180 fd 10] ~
w [seth 270 fd 10] ~
q [stop] ~
[sound [550 20]] ] ; Else ...

to move.it :l
if empty? :l [stop]
case first :l ~
[n [seth 0 fd 10] ~
e [seth 90 fd 10] ~
s [seth 180 fd 10] ~
w [seth 270 fd 10] ~
[sound [550 20]]]
move.it bf :l

Let us go on: we can give names to certain sequences (lists) of keys, thus start to build a kind of library of shapes. For example:

? make " step [n n w s e e n]

We can also modify the move.it command so that it accepts more complex sequences: beside n, e, s and w letters it may contain the names of other sequences, like [step s s step s s step s s step]:

to move.it :l
if empty? :l [stop]
case first :l ~
[n [seth 0 fd 10] ~
e [seth 90 fd 10] ~
s [seth 180 fd 10] ~
w [seth 270 fd 10] ~
[move.it thing first :l]]
move.it bf :l

Now, there is no reason not to try this:

? make " steps [n n w s e e n steps]
? move.it :steps

We have just created a surprising method of defining infinite recursive computation (drawing) through certain lists of words! If we wanted to elaborate even more, we would introduce a conditional tool to stop the infinite drawing, thus developing a complex declarative language representing certain Logo recursive drawings.

3.10 List of points. Vectors. Lists of vectors

We have already discussed points, let us now collect several points into a list. We can, for example, define an operation which recognizes the left mouse button’s clicks and collect the actual positions of the mouse cursor into a list:


to collect.points
op reverse collect.points1 []

to collect.points1 :l
case readkey ~
[27 [op :l] ~
-2 [make "l fput mouse :l]]
op collect.points1 :l

In this way, we can represent outlines of states or continents or various drawings, which can later be re-drawn without any changes or modified in one of many possible ways. Bellow we see a sequence of repeated transformation which deletes points which are too close to each other within the list of points.

However, a list of points [P1 P2 ... ] is still only a list of points: we cannot reproduce the same drawing at different positions within the screen, we cannot reproduce it turned right by 45 degrees etc. – we cannot overcome the basic properties of Cartesian co-ordinate system. What we definitely can do is to shift it into different representation – vector representation. And it is worth doing because (beside other nice properties of this alternative form), vectors are directly supported by SuperLogo. A vector is defined as a collection of all equivalent directed line segments. This concept coincides with the fact that in Logo we can consider a point P as:

We can say:

? make " A [20 50]
? make " B [35 10]

then Logo will understand correctly expressions like :A+:B, 2*:B, :A-:B, :B-2*:A, 0.2*:B etc. – we are taking a serious step towards abstraction: we and Logo accept the concept of a vector as a single object, not the list of two co-ordinates. Our turtles will understand expressions like ask [Jenny Marta Sueli] [each [setpos pos + :A]] making these three turtles walk along the vector :A from their actual positions etc.

to do.points :l
if empty? :l [stop]
setpos first :l
do.points bf :l

to points.to.vectors :l
if empty? :l [op []]
if empty? bf :l [op []]
let " v (item 2 :l) - first :l
op fput :v points.to.vectors bf :l

to do.vectors :l
if empty? :l [stop]
each [setpos pos + first :l]
do.vectors bf :l

points.to.vectors operation transforms list of points into a corresponding list of vectors, do.vectors makes each active turtle realise such list starting from its actual position. A lot of usual vector transformations can be involved in this operation. If the turtles are named 1, 2 … etc., then each [setpos pos + first :l] line can be replaced e.g. by

each [setpos pos + (9 + who)/10 * first :l]

thus resizing the original drawing by factors 1, 1.1, 1.2 … etc. Beside usual vector operations Logo also offers some more advanced ones. For example, we can directly rotate a vector clock-wise around the origin by a given angle. A point (i.e. a vector) obtained by rotating point (i.e. vector) :P by :n degrees will be denoted by :n/:P. Therefore, if we create a planet with its home position in e.g. [150 0] and its shape being item 2 :planets, then to let it rotate forever around the origin we just say forever [setpos 1 / pos]. If we create 20 turtles named 1, 2 … etc. at the same position [150 0], by saying forever [each [setpos who / pos]] we let them rotate at different speeds. We can also let one turtle (the Moon) rotate around another turtle (the Earth) which rotates around the origin (the Sun). We can easily specify two different speeds as two inputs for Eart.and.Moon command:


to Earth.and.Moon :E.speed :M.speed
ask "Earth [setpos :E.speed / pos]
let "E.pos ask "Earth [pos]
let "M.temp :E.speed / ask "Moon [pos]
ask "Moon [setpos :E.pos + :M.speed / ( :M.temp - :E.pos )]
Earth.and.Moon :E.speed :M.speed

We can also let both planets rotate around a point different from the origin, that is, we can shift our Solar system by a vector :A. Powerful transformations can be obtained by rotating a complete list of vectors by different angles. We can hardly imagine another data structure in Logo as potent as vectors. And yet, here it comes:

3.11 Logo procedure

We have already worked with a concept of list of instructions which has considerably demolished our understanding of the differences between data and program. Each list of instructions can be run (evaluated) as a piece of program. We have also used the mechanism to name such list and referred to it later by the name. This is ordinary with ordinary data. This is also common with procedural objects: we define commands and give them names. In this way a student (Logo newcomer) defines, for example, simple commands like my.dot or my.house – elementary commands without any input to draw a simple object. They may look similar to the following definitions – either with the repeat or not, it is not important now:

to my.dot
setpc random 15
setpw 5 + random 50

to my.house
setpw 1 + random 8
setpc random 15
repeat 4 [fd 50 rt 90]
fd 50
rt 30
repeat 2 [fd 50 rt 120]

As far as we do not believe any more that data and programs are different, we will accept that the name of a user-defined procedure may serve as an input to another procedure. This fact provides us with a powerful tool: we can use user-defined commands in a very complex way, thus offering a Logo beginner highly stimulating experience: several microworlds can be developed for the student to discover basic ideas of turtle geometry yet doing complex things – beginner’s first steps can be set into seriously rich environment. To illustrate this idea let us develop a KidPix-like scribbling tool by mouse: the elementary free-hand drawing procedure (provided by the microworld) will take one input – the name of a user-defined command (like my.dot or my.house) and use it repeatedly while the student draws a free-mode line:

to scribble :proc
cs gs
tell 0
window pu
let "P [0 0]
scribble.loop :proc

to my.run :proc
seth towards mouse
lt 90
run ( list :proc )
setpc 0 setpw 1
pu setpos mouse pd

to scribble.loop :proc
case readkey ~
[27 [stop] ~
0 [pu setpos mouse pd ~
make "P mouse] ~
-1 [setpos mouse ~
if abs :P - mouse > 30 ~
[my.run :proc ~
make "P mouse]]]
scribble.loop :proc

Although many modifications of the scribble.loop can be defined, this one just uses the user-defined command :proc, then resets the previous pen colour, pen width and position so that no special restrictions are put on the student’s commands. In the next figure we see the result of free-hand drawing by scribble " my.dot and scribble " my.house. However, we can go much further in this direction: instead of just using the user’s command, our microworld can first process it and then use it. Not only the user-defined procedure’s name is a piece of data, also the procedure’s definition itself is! Indeed, Logo user-defined procedures are internally represented as lists of lists of instructions. We will call this structure a definition list. And there are Logo primitives which know this structure very well: text and define:

? sh text " my.dot
[[][setpc random 15][setpw 5 + random 50][dot]]


It is well known that the first line (first list within the definition list) is a list of all inputs names. The crucial thing here is that the definition list can be processed by other Logo list processing tools, thus yielding a mutated definition list which may be turned by the define command into a proper Logo procedure (or even applied directly as a piece of program by the apply command!). Let us think about even simpler user-defined version of my.house command (without setpc and setpw commands). As far as its definition list is a Logo list (of lists of words and/or lists), a lot of exciting transformations can be exercised on it, e.g.:


to modify :proc :words :new
if not defined? :proc [stop]
op modify.it text :proc :words :new
to modify.it :l :words :new
if empty? :l [op []]
if word? :l ~
[if member? :l :words [op :new] ~
[op :l]]
op fput modify.it first :l :words :new ~
modify.it bf :l :words :new
to tricky.fd :s
let "p pos
let "h heading
repeat 4 ~
[rt 4 - random 9 ~
fd :s + 4 - random 9 ~
rt 180]
pu setpos :p pd
seth :h
fd :s

The modifications done in this way may result in exciting and surprisingly rich shapes. The rows of houses to the right were obtained by scribbling a mutation of my.house command: the scribble command has first modified the definition list of my.house by all three transformations mentioned above. Each fd and forward has been replaced by tricky.fd (defined above) by:

modify " my.house [fd forward] " tricky.fd

The modified definition list was not run by run command in the scribble.loop, but applied to an empty list of inputs by:

apply :new.def.list []

3.12 Logo PowerPoint-like screens

As the concluding stopping place of our Logo data structures guided tour we want to mention the presentation of this paper. A Logo project (we call it Logo PowerPoint) is used to get and visualise the description of each "page". The page itself is a compound mixture of:

4 Open projects must rely upon data

In [7] we specified three important principles of active learning environments, or microworlds. We claimed there that interactivity, visualisation and openness should be present in each microworld to the highest possible extent as far as these are crucial properties to create learning atmosphere. By openness of a microworld we understand the extent at which a user can modify it. We suggested to distinguish three levels of openness: (1) openness at the level of data, (2) at the level of usage, and (3) at the level of the type of assignments.

Obviously, for a microworld to be open at level (1), data are essential to represent other numbers, lists of other objects, other screens and images, other animations, procedures, sounds and video, other turtles, other Logo libraries… We find it very important that learners-developers should acquire a clear understanding of what such modifications are: new screen, new assignment, new behaviour means new data somehow represented in certain data structures.

5 Conclusion

Here follows the list (always those lists!) of reasons why we find data structures important, natural and inevitable part of so many Logo creative activities:


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  4. Blaho, A. and Kalas, I.: Playing, Developing and Computing With Images in Comenius Logo for Windows. Proc. of EuroLogo 95, Birmingham, pp. 15 – 19, 1995
  5. Futchek, G. and Schauer, H.: Exploring Recursion: from Random Walks to the Design of Mazes. Proc. of EuroLogo 93, Athens, pp. 105 - 112, 1193
  6. Harvey, B. and Wrigtht, M.: Simply Scheme – Introducing computer science. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1994
  7. Kalas, I. and Blaho, A.: New Implementation of Logo Opens What Should be Open (Developing and Implementing Active Learning Environments), Komputer w Edukacji, No. 2, pp. 5 – 14, 1995 (in Polish)
  8. Tomcsanyiova, M. and Tomcsanyi, P.: Experimental IT Education for Lower Secondary School Using Windows and Comenius Logo. To be found in the Proc. of EuroLogo 97, Budapest, 1997